Pond, woodcut by Frederick Nunley
Used here with his kind permission









Pip Wilson





This is the blog where I post poetry as I find it in the fishpond outside the door of my garden flat.





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Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Legend of le Tuff: (9) Man of Constant Travels

Baz le Tuff, always full of surprises!

I hadn't seen the chap for some time, when this note came from him yesterday, scribbled in a girlish but commanding hand on the reverse side of an artful photograph:


I trust you haven't forgotten your friend, mentor and heliotrope.

"I have been travelling the world for the first time in months, and forgot to inform you of my passage. I do beg your forgiveness.

"Sardinia was marvellous, and my fishing for catamite very sucessful. Greece -- plenty of Greek. Wish you could have come.

"Toronto -- lives up to its name! Now I can see why they called it that.

"Been snapping a few. Here's one of the CNN Tower.

"More when I get a chance.

"Cheers, old man.

"le Tuff"

Oh, le Tuff! What a character! What a pity he won't join flickr ... just because they leave the 'e' out. Oh well, who can argue with genius?